
Thomas Cain, M.D.


Falls are a common and often devastating problem in the elderly. Many result in E.D. visits or hospital admissions. Morbidity associated with falling encompasses not only physical injury but also psychological trauma, with up to 1/3 of elderly fallers limiting their involvement in physical and social activities due to the fear of falling.



Falls are most often multifactorial, due to the cumulative effects of impaired postural stability, chronic medical conditions, and environmental factors, not cardiac arrhythmias or seizures which account for < 2%.
Postural stability is the result of sensory input, the accurate processing of the information, and the correct response of the effector systems.


A complete history and physical exam is the basic "work-up." The judicious use of tests may assist confirmation of the mechanisms of the fall. Identification of causes which are modifiable is the primary goal.


Focus on:

Physical Exam

Should be thorough, and incorporate examination of all organ systems. The history will direct further investigation of certain areas. In addition all fallers should be carefully checked for the following.

Laboratory Examination

There are no standard tests for assessment of the falling patient. The history and physical dictates the extent of testing. Traumatic injuries should be followed up with radiographic examination. Clinical logic directs evaluation of dehydration, possible infectious processes, or blood loss. The use of routine holter monitors rarely adds information, as falls secondary to arrhythmias are very infrequent. Brain imaging studies and EEG's are reserved for patients with high suspicion of intracranial lesion or seizure disorder.


The accurate assessment of the elderly faller will in most cases generate a working hypothesis of the etiologic factor precipitating the falls. Treatment will focus on eliminating or reducing the impact of those factors. Commonly these elements will be:

Indications for consultation to Geriatrics or Rehabilitation

Assessment of etiologies of falls
Strengthening and gait training